Last night I sat at the dining room table and ate 7 snack size candy bars, not the miniature size bars, but the trick or treat size bars. After that I went to the pantry and pulled out the full size Snickers candy bar and proceeded to eat that too. Lucky for me, or unlucky depending on how you would look at this, Jeff (my husband) helped me eat it after I cut it up into bite size pieces. Five pieces for me and 2 for him. At this point I don't believe he had a clue to how many other candy bars I already ate. After this feeding frenzy it was time for ice cream. I usually don't even have ice cream in the house because I don't have any will power, if I like it and it's in my freezer, I eat it until it's gone. So today, after the scale hit 134.8 I decided it was time to do something about my sugar addiction.
The other day I watched, "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" lecture on youtube. Dr. Lustig explains in this lecture why sugar is a poison and causing obesity in the world. Maybe there's a reason that I came across that lecture, maybe it's just time I start to eat better. There's a direct relationship between sugar and our LDL cholesterol, that's the bad stuff in our arteries that causes the plague which causes heart disease. It was noted in this lecture that sugar/fructose can also be the cause of high blood pressure. It's been over 10 years since I had a cholesterol reading of under 200 and each year my doctor wants to start me on cholesterol lowering meds but I keep coming up with the same standoff........let me try changing my diet.
My last year's cholesterol numbers were: Total Cholesterol 267, Triglyceride 78, HDL 76, LDL 175 and my risk factor was 3.5. I exercise on a regular basis which contributes to my high HDL number which therefore decreases my risk factor. My annual physical is Dec. 14 this year and I want to experiment with the sugar theory. I have 42 days to stop eating sugar and test Dr. Lustig's information.
Today, the first day. I'm sitting here at my computer and I have to be honest, today was not a total success. For lunch Jeff and I shared Sesame Chicken and I had a bowl of chinese vegetable soup. Definitely did not over eat for lunch but did have a few bites of the chicken which I am sure had plenty of sugar. Tonight I'm having oatmeal for supper along with a couple of hard boiled egg whites for protein. Tomorrow I will make whole wheat bread in my bread machine.
The journey has begun................
I wish you 200% success! Toni